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ALBUM REVIEW: "Tinderbox" - Siouxsie and The Banshees

Writer's picture: Z Z


How's it hangin', folks? It feels like just yesterday, we said hello to your beautiful faces! We are back again with another Album Review, really highlighting the artists of NOW and ensuring that we broaden our prospects in rock. Whether we are looking at different subgenres within the community or fresh faces that aren't as represented as they should be, there's something for everyone here.

This week we are taking a look at a really popular band from way back when. Thanks to a certain show's release (that I personally found to be extremely mediocre at BEST *the show not the band*), they have found their way back into POP pop culture for like maybe a minute, and then returned to the loving embrace of the alt rock community. They set the stage for the subculture of goths within rock, they have influenced so many artists, they find that dark place in your heart and pull at its strings (perfect for Valentine's Day and this month in general to be quite honest). They are unreal, haunting, they are your darkest dreams come to life.

I bring to you: Siouxsie and The Banshees.

Featured Tracks: Cities in Dust

Blasphemuse! Picks: Sweetest Chill, Cannons, Starcrossed Lovers

Tracklist Overview:

1. Candyman* - 9/10

This upbeat track is the perfect start to the album. We are hit with drummer Budgie's incredible precessions, followed by *new* guitarist, John Valentine Carruthers, incredible riffs. What's really interesting about Carruthers is that this is the first full length album in which he is truly highlighted and showcased as part of the band. Before this album, he really only added a few parts to The Thorn EP, coming just after his departure from Clock DVA sometime in the 80s before Siouxsie. Just a little bit of history, but back to the song.

Siouxsie comes in with her swoon-worthy, powerful voice. Compared to earlier works, I think you can really hear her confidence and range growing and blossoming with time. The lyrics are comparable to the most unruly of Valentine's, a gross and volatile candyman of sorts (hence the name). It is pure poetry. Post punk, prog rock at its finest; this is goth culture to its core. I cannot implore you enough to give this track a listen.

2. Sweetest Chill - 10/10

I seriously do not understand how this album, or song let alone, doesn't have the upmost hype compared to other songs or artists of that decade. While still being relatively popular in the world of Siouxsie and goths alike, this track is CRIMINALLY underrated. It is so perfectly dark and feels like a descent into madness. Think black shawl twirling around in your room; you are but a corpse bound to the rhythm and melody of Siouxsie, the darkest of paradise.

Sweetest Chill is definitely one of the more danceable tracks, I highly recommend listening to this song a night walk with the moon shining bright. It ignites something that can only be reached in the very depths of your soul, something the members of Siouxsie are very familiar with doing. The decision to make Carruthers a full time member on this album was incredibly wise, there's an entirely new layer added to this hit. If I haven't made if even more obvious, YOU ABSOLUTELY HAVE TO LISTEN TO THIS.

3. This Unrest - 8/10

Okay, first thing to note...absolutely SUPERB transition between the previous track and this one. When listening to this album in its entirety, it flows together so incredibly well and not a lot of albums from this decade, let alone a lot of albums in general, have the ability to do that. This track is really bass heavy, listeners are able to fully immerse themselves in the artistry of Steven Severin. The bendiness of it has that signature Siouxsie sound, it's truly addictive.

The key changes throughout the song are pretty interesting, they work well but it does trip me up personally as a listener. I also really appreciate the backing vocals in between verses and on parts of the bridge, it reminds me of opening something cursed and the souls trapped in it are finally escaping. Lyrically, it's incredibly beautiful and poetic. It's dark and romantic, it's all that you need in this Valentine's Month.

4. Cities in Dust* - 9.5/10

We reach on of the most famous and iconic songs throughout Siouxsie's entire discography, and it's famous for a reason. In terms of composition, this definitely strays away from the typical odd fashion that is this band. It's not pop in sound or instruments, but overall musical arrangement and composition it does fit the bill. This doesn't take away from the unique nature of this song, it is its own element.

This song is perfect for twirling around, moving your body to the rhythm, preferably in something that makes you look like a dark spirit that escaped Dorian Gray's portrait.

5. Cannons - 10/10

This track is my absolute favorite on this entire album. If I could have it injected into my veins, I would be rollin' up my sleeves by now. The haunting vocals and layering of everything is only comparable to the feeling of free falling in a dream. It is nightmare, fever dream fuel but make it chic? It flows pretty much seamlessly with the previous track and the one right after that, even though it doesn't exactly have a transition per say. Pretty cool.

Siouxsie's vocals are the main highlight of the track. Her range is legitimately so impressive in the way that she showcases just how high and low she can go with EVERY LINE. There are not many artists out there that do it quite like her. Not to overlook Budgie, Severin, and Carruthers, they truly pull this song into itself. It's a euphoric trip of pure auditory ecstasy. Listen to this. Like right now. STOP READING AND LISTEN TO THIS SONG.

6. Party's Fall - 8/10

I feel like this song is the very essence of goth culture in the 80's. It's definitely slightly on the heavier side, but it's still a really good track nonetheless. It's not my absolute favorite, but it's very danceable I will have to admit that. This track is definitely a little more on the longer side, so if you're looking for something that is essentially 5 minutes of flow/twirl worthy music, this is it.

7. 92 Degrees - 9/10

The intro to this song is so surreal. It is like you're almost approaching your demise in a very Witch Aunt Cheryl type of way. The overall instrumentals are bendy as usual, but there are some elements of really heavy guitars which add a new layer to the darkness. The vocal control of Siouxsie is absolutely incredible in this track as well, like the vibrato and the power belts??? This is spectacular. The bridge is really haunting, I feel like I'm joining a cult while listening to this (in the best way possible). Lyricism is on point as always, Carruthers' guitar near the end is absolutely delectable, this is truly amazing. There's really not much you can go wrong with this track.

8. Lands End - 8/10

I'm not going to lie, this track isn't my absolute favorite because of the lyrical composition and vocals during the first verse. It feels a little bit awkward to listen to, like it's a rushed sultriness. This is only in the first verse though, prior to the bass line and guitars, then the composition seems to melt into itself, into what I think it was supposed to be. Picture an echo in an empty cave, then picture the sound of a water deposit within that cave; the echoing changes in different parts of the cave because of the change in surface and one echo sounds a little more concrete or harmonic. That's what this song is, it's the cave.

Moving onto the instrumentals, I feel like Budgie, Severin, and Carruthers are truly the main highlights of the song. Budgie's fast paced drumming compliment the mysterious synths that that Severin and Carruthers tag team. It's truly something magical and mysterious.

(Tracks 9 and 10 have been removed from this list because they are just extended versions/different mixes of Cities in Dust and Sweetest Chill. They're still good though, you should listen to them)

11. Songs From the Edge of the World (JVC Version)* - 9/10

This song is a little less dark in comparison to the rest of the album, but it is truly incredible. It's an adventure in the making and definitely lives up to the track name. The guitars and keyboards are a lot more lighter and almost early indie sounding (no no, not today's indie pop you're thinking about). The way these instrumentals contrast with the vocals that are still relatively more goth or Rocky Horror Picture-esque is like a sedation of it's own, it will really put you at ease as you listen to it.

Where this song loses a point as it nears's not long enough (yes I know it's 4 minutes long) and it's pretty static in sound compared to the rest of the album. I feel like out of the rest of the extended tracks added, this should've been one of them.

12. Starcrossed Lovers - 10/10

This song is by far one of my favorites (I know I've said this for like the entire album...IT'S A GOOD ALBUM, OKAY? GOD). The bend in the guitars paired with the iconic percussions and strong bass AND of course Siouxsie herself, this song is pure dopamine in the most romantic, darkest of ways. It's celestial and heart aching, it's poetic like a prick from a rose's thorn.

There's really not much else to say, you just need to experience it.

* = Stand-alone Single
Overall Rating: 9/10

This album is another certified Blasphemuse! pick! I feel like Siouxsie is a good intro band (and solo artist) to goth culture or darker music that goes beyond heavy instrumentals. Tinderbox is filled with spectacular under-appreciated tracks as well as incredible singles that define the remarkable discography of this band. This is the kind of album that you need to listen full way through right here, right now.


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