In your future...I see...some really bitchin' tunes! Oh my..Oh! And concerts galore! Oh, the humanity! *insert crystal ball here*.

As we near the end of the first month of 2023, it's slightly evident in where we are heading as a society in music. "Is my music taste finally going to be the next big thing?", "what should I be listening to so I don't seem left behind in the times?", "oh god why are they playing this in H&M?"; these are all questions you might be thinking to yourself, and rightfully so. The time between the New Day and now have been short, yet enough to assert where we are all heading musically. Now, bare in mind, these are just fun predictions based on observations from previous years, so take everything with a grain of salt. In the case that any of them are true...well tell The Simpsons to call me up for an episode or two (the joke is that the show has been really good at making predictions for years ahead of episodes airing. Yeah yeah, I know, the joke was bad).
So, what exactly can you expect from this coming year? The answers can be found in this list:
Bring On the Dirtiest of Blues
Every year has its own genre. Mid 2010s had EDM in a chokehold, 2020 quarantine era had all the Indie/Bedroom Pop that you could possibly think of. In recent years, there was a slight spike in rock-centered music, but it mostly leaned towards pop-punk/emo pop than it did anything. Now this could be due to newer bands finally becoming popular such as Italian rock group, Måneskin, or the "punk" endeavors of artists such as Machine Gun Kelly, but then again, it all followed the same formula, so it all just sounded like your average pop song with heavy guitars and so-so vocals for the most part.
Fear not, if you are concerned that this year is going to be filled with half-assed rip offs or just straight up bland, unoriginal songs...well at least to a certain extent. While the mainstream is slowly detaching itself from rock, there is a resurgence of a genre that has its ties with the community. I bring to you: dirty, dirty blues. Now I do understand that blues is its own umbrella term, but it is making a firm plant in rock this year. With newer artists taking the front stage such as UK duo, Ida Mae, or the irresistibly smooth sound of The Black Crowes, that gritty, home-bound sound will surely get your heart a-racing.
Get Loud! Get Raw.
Gone are the days of soft, cursive indie vocals. Some mourn, some celebrate, but nonetheless, copy-paste vocals should've never been a thing to begin with. I can only emphasize how exhausting it is to watch someone go viral because they keep adding unnecessary "-auehrs" and "~ouhrs" to lyrics OVER and OVER AGAIN. Please, just sing with your normal voice.
It seems that for those who are actually listening to music with genuine appreciation as well as artists have gotten really tired of this cliche. It is important to note that with the rise in genuine interest in rock, but so has the desire for authenticity. From ultimate power ballads to incredibly raw and soulful vocals, the dawn of what can only be described as dick kickin' music is making its comeback. This goes for instrumentals as well, but that has it's own special place on this list.
What Decade is This?
We aren't doing anything incredibly new per-say; each vastly different and individual genre has already been discovered, as well as the subgenres and what not. We are seeing some inspiration and vital elements from different decades making a comeback. In the past year, we saw the rave with early 2010s and Y2K making a huge comeback, as did some bits of 90s grunge and late 80s prog rock in the years before. Now you can't assign an instrument to a decade (unless we're talking synths and EDM), but definitely the methods in playing and performing can be attributed to different years.
We can only hypothesize that this year is bringing back all the 60s and 70s. I'm talking downright hippie, psychedelia, old-school distorted guitars, utter hard rock; the works. It only makes sense, we've ticked off the other years and we're only heading back even further. Be on the lookout for artists such as Jared James Nichols, L.A. WITCH, and Dirty Honey. Essentially newer revamps to the classics you love and adore, you can find something to rock your socks off or something straight up groovy, man.
I Think I've Heard This Before...
Have you ever heard a song and thought to yourself how familiar it sounded? But it didn't sound quite right. Then out of nowhere, you hear the song that sounded incredibly similar to that other song. Wow, what a rip. It seems as though that sampling was the very thing that defined 2022, distinct chords from your favorites remixed with a modern twist and into the ultimate cliche. It's insulting to the listener, an artist having to take samples from classic hits and morph it into a "new" song to pass off as their own. At that point, just record a cover of the damn song you're ripping off!
That being said, that is one of the downsides to what can be expected from this year. The question of if it's going to be done tastefully with features from the original artists or if it's going to fall into the cliche is up for debate. All we know is that when the event occurs, you've gotta be mindful of what you're listening to. Is it ethical? Is it carefully crafted? Is it insulting to your intelligence? That's for you to decide.
Who Knew What First
As artists receive recognition for their work, you can expect the hoard of "NAME 5 SONGS RIGHT NOW THEY CAN'T BE POPULAR ONES EITHER" to come flooding in. While it is understandable as to why some people feel the need to gate-keep (short-lived TikTok popularity ruining the experience for long-time enjoyers, respect for the community and artist, prices for an artist becoming unattainable), some of that "protective" nature might come from ill intent. It feeds a high, makes other listeners feel superior to newer listeners who might genuinely enjoy the artist they just found out about.
Gate-keeping has been around forever and as irritating as it may seem, it's not going anywhere. 2023, however, is going to bring that ideology to an entirely new level. I'm talking exclusivity to veteran listeners to enjoy certain things while new listeners are ousted. It's all in the name of not being glued to your phone while at barricade, I guess.
A Plant in Industry's Clothing
Okay, maybe the previous entry might have some use: calling out Industry Plants. For those who don't know what an industry plant is, picture this: you're in a circle with fellow music enjoyers when you see some business dude in a suit with a too-clean and pristine look to him try to join in and hype up some band you've never heard of that JUST came out. You go on their socials and they somehow have millions of followers already for just starting out, but barely any interaction in their posts. No concert videos, only one *very bland and unoriginal* song out, and everything they have was released like a month ago. Oh, and copious amounts of expensive merchandise for you to buy. That's an industry plant.
This is the year where they flourish, because music advertising and commercialism is the next big thing. Who cares about integrity? There's MONEY to be made and a counterculture to insult. This is where gatekeeping comes in handy, the over-analyzation and nit-picking will point them out like a deer in headlights. Beware of the cusps of The Man!
Countercultural Drift
We are, after all, a community. When in a community, there comes inevitable disagreement. It could range anywhere between what style within a counterculture is most authentic to breaking news over a well known artist sparking some controversy. There's nothing out of bounds for this year, it's in the air. It may be with quick we are to snap or assume the worst out of each other, stunting us altogether and our growth towards acceptance of the obscure.
With that being said, there is going to be something that sets off debate, not matter what the topic is, and it's going to cause some SERIOUS divide. I'm talking an entirely knew subgenre of a subgenre forming in spite of opposing opinions. Yeah, it's gonna get hot in here. There is a way to prevent this. Civil discourse. Listen with patience and understanding, it'll do wonders.
Veteran Recognition
This is the year in which this part could seem as a blessing and a curse at the same time. You know that one person you've been following since like 2017 who has managed to stay under wraps, even though they have some serious talent? This year might be the year for them. It's a blessing that your faves are getting the recognition they deserve, they've been working so hard for so long!
This can also be a curse as well, depending on how they get popular. With the way things are today, there's only one way that they can really get out there, and that's through TikTok. You're going to see so many brands hastily and half-ass merchandise and collaborations, prices for shows skyrocketing, and hoards of newcomers who view performers as idols instead of humans. But who's to know, right?
Cool, You Can Sing. But Can You Play?
Last, but certainly not least on this list, is the shift in what we deem to be good in this coming year. Sure, vocals are pretty great, they make up a good portion of the songs we listen to and enjoy, but there have been so many one hit wonders with the voice, but no other ability. This goes for bands as well, even if every member has their own specialty. If you don't have some serious talent, you're out!
This year, there's going to be a shift away from the focus on vocal ability to instrumental ability. What is really going to set artists aside this year is their playing and performing style. Are they feeling the music? Are the chords anything new? It's going to bring music enjoyment to a whole new level while also kicking it back to the good ol' days when artists actually had to be great at performing altogether and not just in one element. The excitement is like no other.
That's a wrap on our list so far for this coming year! Do any of these seem far-fetched, or can you see it coming? Let us know of any predictions you might have lingering in your skull goop.
Blasphemuse! OUT!